Donna Nysio

Beaufort Pirate Invasion Poster 2012
After graduating from Carnegie Mellon, there were other opportunities and responsibilities, but I "did art on the side." Now I’m able to devote full time to the study of painting and am a self-employed artist. 

I began with photo realism, because that opportunity knocked. I loved the challenge, but as I got more accomplished something was missing...

"Wooden Boats"
Finding a book at a yard sale changed my direction—a complete overhaul in my artistic focus—still realistic, but infused with brighter color and more brushwork.  Opening that book, I was greatly inspired by a painting by David Leffel. I had no idea who he was but had to find out. Three weeks later, I was attending a workshop at the Scottsdale Artist’s School in Scottsdale, AZ with David Leffel, Sherrie McGraw and Jacqueline Kamin, learning about abstract realism. 2014 was full of learning and experimentation with new products, theory, and putting some mileage on my brush.

"Barn Cows"
This shift to abstract realism seemed natural and even more real to me than photo realism. Photo realism depicts the objects realistically; abstract realism creates the reality of those objectsthe smell, touch and taste. The texture and quality of the brush strokes add immense impact over that of a purely representational image.

Originally from Providence, RI, Donna made Beaufort her home in 2007. 
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