Over the next 10 years Jack would travel back and forth between the U.S. and Europe working side by side with artists and artisans in their centuries old studios and workshops throughout Spain and Italy. During this time Jack became very knowledgeable in old world studio practices involving numerous art forms, techniques and materials passed down through generations of European master craftsmen. These practices were utilized in the creation of the products Jack was designing particularly in Florence Italy while at the same time he was continuing to further develop his painting skills incorporating much of the knowledge he was gaining in these workshops and studios.
Living in Florence amongst some of the greatest art ever created afforded Jack the opportunity to study intensely the art of Western, Southern and Northern Europe particularly the Italian Renaissance and Dutch 17th Century which remain sources he draws upon today. This rich artistic environment when combined with his intense concentration on the historically inspired objects he was designing, proved a perfect breeding ground for his development as a still life painter.

The sea, a lifelong passion and deeply powerful source for Jack, would now become his home and would provide a constant feed of inspiration that would inform his work in a way that would not be possible from a distance.